BRE is an independent and impartial, research-based advisory, testing and training organisation, offering expertise in every aspect of the built environment and associated industries. Helping clients create better, safer and more sustainable products, buildings, communities and businesses – and supporting the innovation needed to achieve this.
The first event, the Assuring Forced Entry Protection Seminar, will take place at the Novotel World Trade Centre, Dubai, UAE on Thursday 18 January 2018, 09:00 – 13:00. Delegates at this BRE Global seminar will have the opportunity to hear from a number of subject matter experts in the field of protective security, including security consultants, manufacturers and those responsible for developing physical security standards.
The second event, the Assuring Forced Entry Protection Seminar & Live Attack Testing, will take place on Wednesday 24 January 2018 at Gibca Furniture Industry Co. Ltd in Ajman. This seminar will include a live testing attack conducted by the BRE physical security testing team on a range of fences and doors; exploring the approach taken to evaluating the delay provided by physical security measures approved to standards LPS 1175 and EN 1627.
LPS1175 products are widely used to protect facilities from crime and terrorism in a growing number of countries and across a wide range of sectors, including defence, critical infrastructure and crowded places.
Simon Whitehouse, Managing Director of SGW Safety and Security, will be a guest speaker at both events to discuss effective security protection appropriate to the threats faced. In such cases this may require; access control, pavement and building protection barriers (Hostile Vehicle Mitigation (HVM)), around-the-clock manned security, perimeter security, security check points (VACPs, PACPs,), one-way driving systems, shatterproof glass and building design to ensure maximum security to those within.
Simon is an elected Director and Fellow of the Security Institute, a Chartered Security Professional (CSYP), an ASIS International Qualified Certified Protection Professional (CPP) and a Physical Security Professional (PSP). He has more than 30 years of experience as a security practitioner, with the last 13 years focused on security consulting and programme management assignments.
For those seeking credits towards their Continuing Professional Development (CPD), both events are recognised by the Security Institute. The Assuring Forced Entry Protection Seminar provides six CPD credits and The Assuring Forced Entry Protection Seminar & Live Attack Testing provides eight CPD credits.
Book your place on the Security Seminars at
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