The majority of the Great Charles Street Estate in Birmingham city centre is currently owned and operated by an asset management company who rent and let the office spaces. The acquisition of the buildings was only recent and as such they are in the process of upgrading various premises including the CCTV system.
SGW was appointed to review the existing system and perform a dilapidation and feasibility study on the existing equipment with a plan to advise on what needs replacing or upgrading, and identifying current weaknesses and areas lacking coverage in scope with what the clients need.
By virtue of property management, the system installed needs to be capable of connections with additional systems if planned acquisitions go ahead for the estate and the disconnection of others if they are later sold off. However, the client requests that if a system is to be disconnected it is still able to run as its own system with minimal effort on the part of the new owners to get it up and running. SGW completed this project in early 2016.