SGW is a security consultant company that have been providing independent security consultant services for the built environment since 2003. Since our formation, we have undertaken projects in many sectors, which include; Healthcare, Transportation, Tall Buildings, Public Sector, Financial, Education, Leisure, Hospitality, Mixed-Use and Industrial markets.
SGW’s Security consultant services and assignments nearly always focus on the assessment of credible threats, site specific vulnerabilities and asset criticality to form a robust security risk assessment. Once the security risk assessment is complete, a foundation is created which helps SGW guide our clients through the process of security risk mitigation, by means of a cost versus benefit analysis.
Our Security Consultants are focused to assist a client make an informed decision in relation to risk acceptance, risk avoidance, risk reduction or if possible, risk transfer, in order to create a robust Asset Protection Programme and company or site wide Security Strategy. We further aim to provide a security plan which is joined up and cohesive between those responsible for ownership, design, construction and management of sites and facilities within the built environment.
Planning Today – Protecting Tomorrow, SGW Provides Security Consultant Services for the Built Environment.
Security Consultant Services from SGW, incorporates one or more of the following project stage services: –
– Security Threat & Risk Assessment
– Security Master Planning
– Security Gap Analysis
– Security Strategy & Concept Security Plan
– Security Schematic Design
– Security Detailed Design
– Security ‘For Tender’ or ‘For Construction’ Design Package
– Security Procurement Support
– Security Project Management during construction and implementation phases
– Security Installation assessment, snagging, witness testing and authorising engineer services.
SGW provide a comprehensive portfolio of Security Consultant services – which can be defined as “the protection of the health of the population, the built environment and infrastructure against terrorism, sabotage and crime by the application of engineering and scientific principles”. Security is an incredibly broad area with many aspects to take into account. SGW have a specialists in a number of key security related disciplines, who develop security strategies which Deter, Detect, Delay and Deny access to your critical assets.
The development and implementation of an effective security strategy may include environmental security measures which apply Security Master Planning and Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) principles to a landscape architects conceptual site-plan design, Perimeter Intruder Detection Systems (PIDS), Access Control Design, Intruder Alarm Design, Physical Security Design which is based upon attack resistance commensurate with risk rating, Security Control Room Design and Manpower Security Plans which incorporates guard post placement and assignment instructions for the security guards and security control room personnel.