SGW have been providing CCTV Consultant Services internationally since 2003. During that time, our CCTV Consultant Team have applied our independence and unbiased approach, to support many public and private sector organisations to progress CCTV Feasibility Studies and Documented Operational Requirements, which have formed the foundation for the implementation of a fit for purpose Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) Surveillance System project. See our CCTV Case Studies Below. CCTV is an ever changing market as new technology, both hardware and software is introduced and public space operators look to upgrade systems often staled in the CCTV boom time of the 90s. Often cost is a driving factor in upgrading or removing CCTV systems and SGW can assist by outlining various options from third party outsourced monitoring solutions to invest to save projects. SGW’s CCTV Consultants have no allegiance to manufacturers or installers of Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) products & systems, which means that our advice is always focused on achieving the Operational Requirements and CCTV Strategy agreed and approved by our clients, with a ‘Best Value’ approach to specification and procurement.