SGW have provided security consultancy to Hospitals and health centres in Europe and the Middle East, with a focus on creating a secure working environment for medical professionals, patients, and visitors.
In June 2017, SGW were awarded a place on the UK based NHS London Procurement Partnerships Framework - Professional Services Dynamic Purchasing Systems - for Security Consultancy. The framework is due to run for an initial four year period.
The Healthcare environment represents a distinct challenge due to the permeability and the accessibility of a hospital site and its perimeter, it also is a place typically frequented by people at there most vulnerable and people suffering from mental health problems. The safety of patients, employees and visitors is of utmost importance. Crimes may include the following: burglary, vandalism, theft, drug taking, violence to staff, kidnap, vehicle related crime and anti social behaviour.
The security of a healthcare site such as a hospital will ideally be considered at the earliest opportunity during the planning stage before construction to factor in contemporary security devices, perimeter security, and CPTED methods. For existing sites modernising and creating a holistic security solution will reduce the numbers of incidents and place your organisation in the best place to respond to those that do.