The certification assesses ability and knowledge to apply counter terrorism and security planning best practice to real-life situations.
The inaugural UK introduction of the three-day CCTP exam preparation course was hosted by SGW Safety & Security at their Edwinstowe house, Nottinghamshire location, between the 18th and 20th July. The eight delegates travelled from variety of international organisations based in Spain, Dubai and the UK.
All delegates on the course successfully passed the CTTP programme, meeting rigorous professional standards of competence in protection, defence and security planning. The delegates are now able to inform prospective clients, industry professionals and other future employers of their counter terrorism certification.
Tom Broadbent from Aspro Security Services who completed and passed the CCTP course said: “The course was great value for money, the information gain was huge.”
As the global terrorism threat continues to increase, the Certified Counter Terrorism Practitioner (CCTP) certification keeps you up to date with the tools and tactics to counter and respond to evolving threats.
Today, the CCTP is the ONLY internationally recognized certification program in the field of counter-terrorism. The Certified Counter Terrorism Practitioner (CCTP) programme is highly recognised in countries like USA, Canada, UK, Malaysia, China, Indonesia, UAE, and more.
The course Chief Instructor is Samuel Bashan, the Former head of Bomb Security department (ISA Israel). Samuel served in the IDF and the Secret Service for over 20 years, he was a member of the government VIP protection unit, and served as a team leader, responsible for three different Israeli Prime Ministers. Samuel is an expert in bomb security and preventive sabotage and was for many years the department head in that field. As chief instructor, he has trained hundreds of Israeli security officers stationed in Israel and abroad.
Rachel Gibson, Security Manager from Emcor Group (UK) said: “It was fantastic to have a tutor with real life international experience. His delivery was engaging and he managed to make a heavy topic enjoyable.”
The CCTP course content included: Global terrorism today, the stages of terror attack, critical soft targets, bombs and explosives, the security concept, how terrorists conduct intelligence collection, incident management, minimum cost/maximum security and many more vital counter terrorism topics.
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